Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Black History
Rosa Parks:
One day on her way home from work,in Montgomery, Alabama, she got on her bus and she had sit in "THE BLACK SECTION" and she did. Then a couple bus stops came and a white man came on the bus, and there weren't any seats left in "THE WHITE SECTION" so the bus driver told Rosa to get up from her sit and stand so that white man could sit there. And she refused to give up her seat because she was so tired to stand. So the bus driver said it again and she refused again and the bus driver said that he would call the police and she said that she wouldn't care. So he did and she got arrested for NO REASON!!!!!!
Martin Luther King Jr.:
Martin Luther is a GREAT MAN! He helped whites and blacks get along and he stopped that discrimination! Martin Luther King Jr.,gave lot of great speeches to stop it. One of his MOST FAMOUS SPEECH was "I Have A Dream",during March in Washington. But one year this man shot Martin Luther King Jr. because he didn't like him and his speeches.

1 comment:

maria said...

I like Marther Luther King Jr. because he was a great man.MARTHER LUTHER KING Jr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!